Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Happy Birthday to the Birthday Boy, Jacob!! He is a whole year old today, well actually, at 1:25 p.m. he will be. I've been busy, busy trying to get things in order around here. I made a To-Do list and got a few things checked off:

1. Order chik-fil-a platter...CHECK

2. Clean kitchen:
a. Dishes...check
b. Clean counter tops...check
c. Dust table...check
d. Sweep floor...check
e. Mop floor...check
f. Take out trash...check

3. Living Room:
a. Straighten desk...check
b. Scrub recliner...check

4. Guest bathroom:
a. Scrub toilet...check
b. Clean mirror/sink...check
c. Empty trash...check
d. Sweep floor...check
e. Mop floor...check

5. Straighten Jacob's room...check.

NOW, this is what I have left TO DO:

1. Vacuum living room, hallway and kids' rooms.
2. Dust living room.
3. Straighten Travis' room.
4. Make the jambalaya
5. Go to store to pick up cake and buy things we still need for party.
6. Bathe Jacob
7. Bathe self
8. Decorate
9. Wrap presents.

So I guess I better get just helps when I sit down and figure out what's still left to do, and checking things off makes me feel like I accomplished something.


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