Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


After my last post yesterday, things got even more interesting. At least I can laugh about most of it now.

My neighbor down the street and her daughter came by here around 2:30 yesterday afternoon to see if Travis wanted to play, and we made an interesting observation about our kids. Every time Travis picked up a toy, Allie wanted it. If Allie picked up the toy, Travis had to have it. It didn't matter what toy it was...and the kid who wanted the toy the other kid had would just stand there crying his/her little lungs out. Well the interesting part of it all is the fact that 2-year-olds do not even consider the other child's feelings at all. I mean, everyone knows that, but if you really stop and think about the psychology of that, it's like 2-year-olds really don't have the capacity to feel sympathy yet. They can feel hate and jealousy, but not sympathy. I guess that proves that everyone's true nature leans toward "bad", and later on we learn how to be "good".

Reluctantly, we loaded up in the car and drove out to Wolfchase so we could go to Stride Rite to buy Jacob some shoes. Well the sales clerk measured Jacob at 4 and 1/2, but Jacob's shoes he has NOW are that size, and his toe is almost to the end. Sorry, but if I'm going to pay $42 for a pair of shoes that aren't going to last but a couple months, I am going to buy them a little big so that he has a little room to grow. I'm not made of money here, nor do I have a money tree growing in the back yard. So we got size 5's, and went on our merry way. We were hungry before we even left the house, and on our way to the mall I saw On the Border, which we've been wanting to try for quite some time now, so after we left the mall, we crossed the street to the restaurant. Right off the bat, we made some interesting observations. Before you even walk in the place, you will immediately realize that it's not a "real" Mexican restaurant. It's like a fancy, high-dollar Panchos. For one thing, the place is HUGE, but we had to wait 20 minutes to get a table. I can go to any local hole-in-the-wall "real" Mexican restaurant, the place can be packed like sardines, and you are still going to get a table almost instantly. Secondly, we noticed that all of the servers were white, and all the guys cleaning off the tables were hispanic. I wonder who did their hiring, and I wonder if that person knows that it's illegal to hire/not hire people based off their race or ethnicity? Once we were finally seated, we looked over the menu. There were ribs, steaks, and mashed potatoes on the menu?? Of course, this was along with all the other prefabricated cutsie named foods. I realized this restaurant must be for those who are afraid to try the real deal. So as we always do at a Mexican restaurant, we ordered cheese dip to go with the chips. It took at least 10 to 15 minutes before we got our cheese dip, and like 2 minutes after that we got our appetizer, and I'm thinking "What's the point?" You go to a Mexican restaurant to stuff your face with chips and dip, not sit there and get it the same time you get all your other food. What kind of place IS this? So we got our food, and mine was all wrong. I ordered the Big Bordurrito with steak (you could choose chicken, too) with no onions and no red bell peppers. Well they brought me a chicken one AND it had onions in it, so I had to send it back. Well then the "right" one came back, except it had tomatoes in it. The menu didn't even SAY anything about tomatoes or pico de gallo. By this point, the waiter must've thought I was the worst customer he'd ever had the pleasure of serving, but you know, I want what I order. We pay good money to sit there and order what we want, and for it to come to me wrong twice?? So the manager walked over to us and I told him about the problem, and he said whoever made it in the kitchen didn't know what they were doing apparently because it's not even SUPPOSED to have tomatoes in it. I'm thinking to myself "Yeah, maybe you should get some of the Mexicans to go back there and actually cook it." So he ended up taking my meal off the ticket and then I ordered dessert, which was also on the house because of their screw up. So my overall review of On the Border? Maybe we caught them on a bad night, but even on their best night, On the Border is a disgrace and shouldn't even have "Mexican" on the lit up sign out front. Oh, and did I mention we were in there for over 2 HOURS?!

But now if we can back up for a moment, during our "stay" at On the Border, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, and there were 3 women in there, probably in their mid to late 20's, standing around the mirror talking. I was just in there to wash my hands, not really paying attention to them, UNTIL they started showing each other their tattoos and belly button rings. OMG!! One of the girls' tattoos was in a place you aren't supposed to be able to see unless you have your panties off...I am NOT LYING. She just lifted up her little skirt and was showing everything!!! And then the other girl raised up her shirt to show her belly button ring, and I mean, I couldn't HELP but glance over there, ya know? And they glanced over at me and gave me this look like I was a weirdo for even BEING IN THERE! I was just in there washing my hands, for crying out loud! Geez!!

Now on a totally unrelated note, here's my piece of wisdom for the day...and I thought this up all by myself...I could see this in a quote book someday:

"I would rather make 100 honest mistakes, than 1 dishonest mistake. The honest mistakes, we learn from and they make us human. The dishonest mistakes, we learn from those, too, but they make us inhumane."

So last night on the way home, we stopped at Blockbuster to rent a movie, and we picked up "Monster" and "The Last Samurai". Travis stayed at Mamaw's last night, so we stayed up late watching "Monster". Let me put it to you this is not a movie I'd recommend to anyone I know. Lots of bad language (F this, F that, F'ing this, MF that), and a lesbian lover scene, plus a few other graphic scenes that didn't show all that much, but left things to the imagination that I don't care to imagine. I will say that by the end of the movie, I actually felt sorry for the serial killer hooker lady.

That's it for me now...Jacob is still sleeping, so I need to get a couple things done around here before he wakes up. Then Travis has a social function this of his friends from church is having a birthday party this afternoon...super yay!

Signing out.


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