Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Yeah, I'm up late, so sue me. Well actually, don't, because you won't get much, lol, but Michael's up late playing a PS2 game he rented, and I'm just up late chatting with a friend online because I'm not sleepy...and that is when I got the news....

I haven't been vague in quite some time, so HERE GOES...

I just got put in a stinkin' rotten mood, and I DON'T really WANT this thing I just found out to put me in a rotten mood...I don't want to care....I don't want to be mad....but I do care and I am mad. I just can't help the way I feel. I'm not good at pretending I feel one way when I feel another way. I mean, would YOU FEEL if someone you've been somewhat semi-close to, oh, let's say you've shared all your innermost feelings about EVERYTHING with that person for the past 10+ years, and then they turn around and basically slam the door in your face, but then open the door wide for ANOTHER person they've known just as long and also shared a close relationship with? I mean, was there a JOB INTERVIEW or something? And only one applicant gets accepted?!?! And if SO, then what WAS the selling point that won THAT person the job over ME?? WTF?!?! I don't want to care, I said, but I DO!! I have let a lot of things go, but this...this just sucks.

There, you happy now? If you read this, you pissed me off beyond words, and I'm not supposed to hate you, but this is definitely the closest I've ever come to hating a person in my life. There sure is a fine line between love and hate, don't you think??


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