Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.



And good morning!

Man, I'm SLEEPY! I must go get a 2nd cup of coffee before I go any farther. (or is it further?) BRB.

Okay, back...

I had this dream last night that seems to have lasted the WHOLE TIME I was asleep. I went to bed early (earlier than usual) last night, and at one point, Michael woke me up (tried) to ask me where the vacuum was so he could suck up a smooshed goldfish cracker in the carpet in the living room. But I don't even remember him asking me that...I must have passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. I fell asleep watching this weird/creepy show, "Venom ER", and it was about this kid that got bit by a Black Widow. He said he put on his sandal and the spider apparently was in his shoe and it bit him between two of his toes. OMG!! See, now THAT RIGHT THERE is why I have always checked the inside of my shoes, turned them over, beat them against stuff, etc. before putting my feet into them! For some reason, I have ALWAYS had a fear of putting my shoes on and there being a bug in them. :::SKIN CRAWLS::: I mean, C'MON, hasn't this kid seen "Arachnaphobia"?

Anyway, onto this dream. I dreamed that I started this new job, working for a bank. It was an overnight job monitoring computer operations or something. Well what was so confusing was that this job actually took place at my PARENTS' house, and my sister and mom worked there, too. Talk about a family operation. The only thing was, we had a boss we had to answer to, that mostly just called in for us to brief him as to what was going on. And we had to wait for his phone call to tell us we could go home for the night. WELLL, the phone call never came. It was on a Saturday night, and in my dream, I KNEW I had to get some sleep because I had to be at church the next morning to play piano. My Mom went and got in her bed, and my sister fell asleep on the couch, and they left ME up to do all the work. I kept waiting for the phone call from the boss man, and it was now like 5 a.m. and still nothing, but I knew I couldn't just go to sleep like my mom and my sister did. So I spent the next little while looking at some of the computer equipment, checking wires and stuff to make sure everything was plugged in, and it dawned on me that as long as we were ONLINE, we COULDN'T GET any phone calls!!! So the boss probably had tried to call, couldn't get through, and went to sleep himself. (the jerk!) So I took it upon myself to go home, too. Except I was supposed to go to Michael's parent's house to spend the night, for whatever reason. By the time I got there, it was daylight, and I knew if I went to sleep, I wouldn't be able to wake up for church. Michael had just woke up, and I told him that I got like NO SLEEP the night before, and he told me to sleep for a couple hours, but I told him just to make me a big pot of strong coffee. Then I woke up, and it was really like time to get up! I seriously think that dream lasted all night, and I really did feel like I had gotten NO SLEEP!! I guess that would explain my extreme tiredness this morning. I think I'm going to go lie....back....down....ZZZZZZZZZZZ..........


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