Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


It's kinda weird that it's Memorial Day and we're not going to a cookout somewhere. So tonight I'm making fried chicken. It turned out really really good last time I made it a couple weeks ago, so I'm going to find out if it was just pure luck last time or what.

I still have this weird rash. It really hasn't gotten any worse, but it hasn't gotten any better. I'm starting to wonder if I'm allergic to the cat, but everyone I've talked to that is allergic to cats said they have sneezing and watery eyes and very clogged sinuses, and I've had none of that thus far.

We are dog-sitting Terri's dog, Sparky, while she's on her job training in Minnesota, and that dog sheds something AWFUL. We brought the dogs (our dog Little Bear and Terri's dog Sparky) home from the kennel Saturday morning, and this morning I vacuumed all the floors and the couch and the chair, and the cup that holds all the dirt and stuff that gets sucked up was completely FULL of dog hair...ICK. Little Bear may shed the same amount, but I really don't let him spend a lot of time running wild in the house to find out. Unless it's raining, extrememly cold or extremely hot, Little Bear spends a lot of his time in the back yard, and he comes in at night to sleep. So this only means that I'm going to have to vacuum daily (yay me) instead of a couple times a week like normal. Sparky is a very good dog...very calm, friendly, lovable...he's just too hairy, lol. Little Bear can be a good dog, but he's just way too hyper. He's friendly, but calm is not part of his behavior, lol.

Michael's is gone to the grocery store now, and the main reason I sent him instead of going myself is that he can come out of there getting pretty much everything we need by only spending like $50, but then I go in there getting what I think we need and spend around $120. We are very broke this week, considering Jacob's birthday is Thursday, and Michael's mom and Michael's other sister Wanda both have birthdays the day before, and we haven't even BEGUN to figure out how the heck we're going to get Michael's car tag renewed which expires TODAY. :::SIGH::: It's things like this that make me want to go back to work, but then we always manage to make ends meet SOMEHOW.

The only question I have today is...Is it time for Michael to go back to work yet? LOL. He's had 9 days off starting LAST Sunday, and ever since we got home from vacation, I've wanted to do nothing but sit around and watch TV or get on the computer, because I can't stand to be busy doing laundry and dishes and cleaning while he just gets to sit there. Don't get me wrong...I've really enjoyed having all this time with my hubby because I had really missed him A LOT while he was working and going to school so much, but it's just really hard for me to get my work done around the house when he's like in a totally different world, lol. Why can't momma be lazy sometimes?

In other news, we've decided to get rid of cable for awhile. I guess it all started when Michael came to the realization that we can't flip channels anymore without coming across a bunch of junk (I agree), not to mention, we spend WAY too much time channel surfing, SO we're going to stick with the basic channels for awhile and see what we can live without. Tonight we all 4 went on a walk and stopped at the part along the way, and it sure beat the heck out of vegitating in front of the TV all night, every night.


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