Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I feel like crapola. I have been feeling extremely tired the last coupla days, and ever since Thursday-ish I've had a really sore throat, except it only hurt in like one spot. Isn't that weird? The only theory I've concocted is that perhaps all of this singing is actually doing damage to my vocal chords. A lotta people at church have been out or sick or pregnant, so I've been having to sing in place of a lot of folks, and I have a feeling that it's going to be like that for another month or so. I honestly don't mind singing, but I don't want to become MUTE, although I'm sure Michael would enjoy THAT :-)

I have tons of things to go to, things to plan, things to do, etc., in May...a wedding, a baby being born (not mine), a hair appointment, an eye appointment, Jacob's dentist appointment, appointments with Jacob's physical therapist, cleaning my mom's house once a week, Michael's final exams, planning a garage sale, Mother's Day, a couple birthdays in the family, the last ever Friends episode (::SNIFF::), and last but not least, VACATION. THAT is the ONE thing I am really looking forward to, especially considering that when the end of May gets here, I'm gonna need it! But being busy is good, I guess, as long as I don't have a nervous breakdown or something.

I must go vegetate on the couch now and see what's worth watching on TV.


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