Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I am tired.

Here's my question of the week, before I move onto something else:

Why is it that whenever I sit down to do something, or maybe not even do anything...just rest on the couch...SOMEONE, whether it be kids or husbands or pets, NEEDS me to get up and do something, and there is suddenly no one else in the household willing to help out? Is there some law of nature that says "Mothers cannot sit down without someone in her household needing something from specifically you."? My butt hits the couch, and automatically "MAMA!?!?!" is triggered to shoot out of someone's mouth. Why? This theory is tested, tried, and true, therefore it must be a law.

Okay, and just one more question:

WHY does the TV have to be cranked up so loud? I mean, I can't sit here on the computer and blog or carry on a conversation or read something without the TV slowly making its way up the decibel chart. If you can hear it and make out what is being said on the TV, then why make it louder? I was a drummer in high school and am partially deaf in one ear due to a ruptured ear drum, but I can enjoyably listen to the radio or TV quietly. The only movie that needs the loud volume to get the full sound effect thing going is Star Wars. Or maybe a few other great movies, like Lord of the Rings or something, but by the time some people I know are 30, they'll need a hearing aid, and I know plenty of 50+ year olds that desperately need a hearing aid as a result from turning up the TV way too loud, and they didn't spend all that time watching Star Wars...they spent all that time watching the World News at full blast!

Okay, enough griping, I think...for now anyway...

We got a kitty last night. I know I said I didn't want one, but when I am told that it is going to the pound if it doesn't find a home, well I start feeling sorry for the poor animal and I take it. No, this information does not give you free reign to dump your unwanted animals on me. It will not work. Anyway, she's a really pretty kitten, gray with black stripes. She has the sweetest little face. She's right at 6 weeks old. We named her Kira (pronounced Kee-rah). She spent most of the day hiding/sleeping under the couch. I'll try to put a picture of her on here later.

Did I mention I'm tired? I am going to go pass out on the couch...until I hear "MAMAAA!?!?!?!" at least.


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