Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I'm on the run right now....running everywhere all over town...and I needed to stop for a second and catch my breath until I have to start running again. WHEW!

Took Jacob to the dentist first thing this morning, and had to fill out like 3 pages front and back, all the while Jacob is trying to grab the pen and scribble with it on the forms. ALL of that just to go back to the dentist chair for the dentist to look in Jacob's mouth and write out a referral card for a PEDIATRIC dentist. Dumb. Waste of time, energy, life, etc. So now I have to make an appointment with a dentist that can actually TREAT his problem.

Then I went to the bank to cash in on my birthday money. Money is good.

Then we went to Target because I wanted to use some of my birthday money to buy a straightening iron. I also had some money set aside for the kids' birthdays, so I bought Jacob's birthday stuff while I was in there, too.

Then we went to Payless, which is right next door to Target, to return some shoes I'd bought for Jacob in Dyersburg, which turned out not to fit.

Then we went to Walmart to do our grocery shopping, came home, unloaded and put away everything, and now I'm waiting on my sis-in-law, Terri, to call me, because she's had Travis since yesterday evening (he went to church with her and spent the night at her house), and we're supposed to meet up at the McDonald's in Olive Branch for lunch and watch Travis play (and not eat) on the playground thingy. It's the only freakin' McDonald's in northern DeSoto County that HAS a big playground. Who knows why? There USED to be one at the Southaven McDonald's on Stateline, but that McDonald's is now in McDonald's heaven. I get weepy every time I think about that place being torn down now, so I won't go there.

Oh, and the conclusion of my turned out really well. I got a card and some money from my mom-in-law, a card from my other sis-in-law Wanda (she usually gives me like an Old Navy gift card or something, but not this year...just a card with nothing in it), and Michael gave me a beautiful, sweet card and a really nice set from Bath & Body Works with lots of smelly good stuff and a candle. Yummy. Then we went to church, and afterwards he took me to Applebee's. Actually, it's funny because at first we didn't know how we were going to have money to go eat out last night, but I remembered that I found our "new" debit card when I was cleaning out Michael's closet the other day. (Actually they sent it to us over a year ago, but it got shoved in a box with a bunch of papers, and the box got shoved in Michael's closet, but hey, it's new to me!) What's even more funny is that it just has MY name on it, and after we ate and the waiter brought us our ticket, Michael asked me for the debit card since it was in my wallet, so I gave it to him, and I was like " are paying for my birthday supper with a debit card that has my name on it, but you are the one that makes all the money and deposits it all in there." SCARY THOUGHT!

ANYWAY, I need to get ready to GO AGAIN, because I'm sure my phone will be ringing just any minute now!!! (I miss Travis!)


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