Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


We went to our dreaded tax appointment tonight, and I am still doing cartwheels!! We actually GOT MONEY BACK!!! HALLELUJAH!!! When we got there for our appointment, which the person we use every year runs his business out of his house, we had to wait like 30 minutes before he got through with his previous appointment because the guy decided he wanted him to do not ONLY his OWN tax return, but also his MOTHER'S and his TWO DAUGHTERS'!!! So we sat downstairs on the living room couch, with the guy's old, shriveled up, hard-of-hearing father as he kept cranking the volume up on the TV so that he can hear Wheel of Fortune. I was totally getting a headache, and I looked at Michael and said, "See? If you keep turning the TV up really loud like you do, you're going to end up like him!" LOL

So anyway, let's recap:

Last Year: We owed $500-something to the Federal government, and $1,200 to the State of Mississippi.

This Year: We GET BACK $2,300-something from the Federal government, and have to pay roughly $400 to the State of Mississippi.

So basically, after we pay the State, we'll have around $1,900!!!

We made about $12,000 LESS last year, plus we added a tax deduction (Jacob) to the family, lol, plus the tax laws have changed or something and put us into a different tax bracket, which apparently helped.

The FIRST thing I'm going to go buy is some GLASSES. No, not drinking glasses, EYE glasses. Whenever I need to give my eyes a rest from my contacts, I have to go blind. I've been without glasses since high school I think? So yes, very much a necessity. Some of the money will go into the vacation fund, and ALL of us, except Jacob, need some spring/summer clothes. So we're going to sit down and figure out how much we're going to spend on what.

WHEW, I'm just glad that is over with! I will definitely sleep better tonight!


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