Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Random Thoughts of the Day

Well, I had more than just a few, but my computer started acting retarded, and froze up on me, and I lost everything. So...let's start again:

1. I hope Michael does okay on his algebra test tonight. I don't know how many times I will have to beat it in his brain that you have to get "x" COMPLETELY by itself. 3x = 9 IS NOT your final answer.

2. I am working on this song for church, as a special, and have had lots 'o requests for it. I have someone to sing it, I just need to get it down pat so we can play it for church. I'm working on it...I REALLY AM. Click the link, listen to it, and tell me what you think: The Judgment

3. I am beginning to have doubts as to how far the Tigers will get in the NCAA Tournament. Lots of injuries, and they just keep piling up.

4. If I have to read one more article or listen to one more commentary as to why the Tigers should or should not move to the Fed Ex Forum, I think I'll scream.

5. I feel really smart. My sister-in-law called me this afternoon because there is some kind of contest in their youth department that if you can tell which play a Shakesperian quote came from, and be the first to call the youth director and tell him what you think it is, you can win some sort of prize. She doesn't even know what made her think of ME as her "phone-a-friend", lol, but the quote was "Beware the Ides of March." Anyone care to take a stab at it? Some of you might think it's pretty easy, but I had to think about it for a second or two. Then after I told her what I thought it was, I looked it up on the internet, and sure enough, I was right. I can't believe I remembered it, and it's been like YEARS since I read that play?

6. Don't talk bad about my closest friends IN FRONT OF ME. Next time I might have to call you on it and make a scene.

7. Why is it that you can't ask someone a question without them wanting to know why you are asking it, before they'll even give you an answer?

Okay, that's enough of my rambling for now.


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