Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


More Random Thoughts for Wednesday

1. We almost NEVER get to make it to church on Wednesday nights, like I was saying earlier, and we decided that tonight, come hell or high water, we were going. Well, the high water...or actually not water, but worse, came. BOTH kids are having serious diaper problems, if you know what I mean, and all I can say is it's a darn good thing it's a warm, breezy day outside so I could open all the windows in the house. BLEH!! They've BOTH been whiney and fussy ALL DAY, and so I made Michael aware of the situation. He stopped by Walgreens and got some Pedialite (stuff you give little kids/babies to prevent dehydration) and he said he'd take care of the kids tonight so I could get out and go to church. Praise God! I feel so bad for my babies, though! They just don't feel good at all, and it hasn't been that long ago since they last had this stomach bug. :(

2. If you cook dinner for yourself, transferring the pots/pans, cooking utensils, measuring devices, plates, eating utensils afterwards to the sink, DOES NOT count as cleaning up the kitchen, contrary to popular belief.

3. 3x = 9 better not be your final answer.

4. What happened to winter? It's freaking 73 degrees outside. I never said I was complaining though.

5. Why is it the one time I don't take the cordless phone and/or my cell phone with me to the tub, one or both of those phones ring after I get in.

6. Once you have kids, you will find that you have less time to paint your fingernails...and even less time than that to paint your toenails.

7. No matter how hard you try, your hair will never style the same twice.

8. When you get married or have kids, you will find out who your real friends are. What I mean is, the people that really think something of you WILL BE there at your wedding or will come to see you in the hospital or the day you come home after the birth of your first child. Granted, some people may have a good if they're in the hospital, too, having open heart surgery or something. Believe it or not, I had someone I THOUGHT was a close friend not come to my wedding because she had to babysit her friends' dogs. That's the best one yet! On a related note, fewer people will come to visit you for each consecutive birth. When Travis was born, we couldn't keep people out of our room and we had to make two trips to get all the flowers out to the car. With the second birth, I could count everyone that came to see us on my fingers. What's really bad is that some people don't even call or send a card.

9. I have to clean my mom's house Friday, but I am getting paid. Money is good. I went over there last Saturday so she could explain to me in great detail what all she wanted done and how she wanted and didn't want me to complete each task. I took notes.

10. The Tigers have their last home game tonight, against TCU. At this moment in time, I could care little about it, if anything.

11. I finished reading Genesis yesterday and moved on into Exodus.


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