Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


It's nap time, hallelujah, so I can actually think! Of course, Michael always says I get myself in trouble when I think, so here comes trouble! ;-)

I was looking at the current Kroger sale ad, and did you know that it's National Frozen Food Month? The heck? I mean, yeah, there's Women's History Month and there's Black History Month, but Frozen Food Month?!?! Like, okay, um, yeah, "We will always remember the heroic fish stick that withstood sub zero temperatures in the deep freezer while waiting to be nuked in the microwave, only to meet its fate as it is bitten in half by a 2-year-old named Jimmy." And then the Schnucks Ad is advertising a St. Patrick's Day sale. Okay, yeah, 50% off green molded bread. I'll be adding 3 of those to my shopping cart...oh wait, what's that you said? Oh, there's a limit of only 2 per customer? Darn.

Only 152 days 'til Destin, and 49 days 'til my 24th birthday.

It is truly a beautiful day outside, and with high atmospheric pressure means no humidity in site, which means perfectly straight hair for me. I am jumping for joy. I know every woman with straight hair would kill to have naturally curly hair, but I'm just the opposite. Yeah, yeah, the grass is always greener, blah, blah.

Speaking of grass, spring is just around the corner and I can't wait, although this means it won't be too long before Michael has to crank up the lawn mower. In case you didn't know, here's a hint: I hate to mow grass, never have mowed grass in my life, and will pay someone before ever getting behind a lawn mower. But back to the being excited about spring thing...this means I can break out some of my spring wardrobe that I didn't get to wear last spring since I was carrying what felt like a 10 lb. watermelon in my belly. Actually, I think I will talk Michael into letting me buy some NEW clothes, because my spring clothes will now be 2 years old, not to mention those clothes will more than likely be too big for me anyway. The pounds are still coming off, and I'm loving it. To date, I have lost 54 lbs since Jacob was born. I look at pictures from right before/after that time, and I think "My Lord, I was a COW!!!" UGH!!!

I was sitting in front of my makeup mirror a minute ago, getting myself ready for church tonight, and I started thinking about how people used to think I wore too much makeup. I don't think I wore TOO MUCH, I think it's just that most of my friends didn't wear ANY. I was in the band, and it seemed to me that most the girls that wore makeup like I did were the cheerleaders and those of the "in" crowd. I dunno, just an observation I made, I guess. And I never could understand putting makeup on to make it look like you're not wearing any. What the heck is the point of THAT? I didn't wear makeup because I had anything to hide...I was blessed with great skin, and still do have great skin for the most part...I didn't wear makeup to try to fit in...because let's face it, THAT never worked. I wore makeup because I wanted to. There are girls that like to do fun things with their hair, there are girls that have a purse fettish and like to carry a different handbag every day of the week, there are girls that have 200 pairs of shoes, there are girls you'll never see them wear the same outfit twice EVER...but my thing was makeup. I mean, yeah, if it wasn't raining, I'd obsess over trying to get my hair as straight as I possibly could, and I always tried to dress nice, but there was just something I enjoyed about doing my makeup every day. Now granted, I might not have been that GOOD at it during 9th grade, LOL, but over time, I learned some tricks of the trade, so to speak. As for the present, I still put on my makeup, but I am a little more conservative with it now...I don't wear a lot of black eyeliner like I used to or lipstick that was just a shade too red for me, but I do still make a point of trying to look my best. I don't see why just because I'm a mother of two and a stay-at-home mom to boot, I should just let myself go. There, now you have my fashion sense. Now I must go paint my nails.


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