Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I am officially bored now, and officially sick. Cincinatti won the Conference Tournament, and all they kept saying on TV was "Cincinatti has the automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament", all the while I'm shouting at the TV, "As if they really NEEDED to win to get in!!!!" GRRRRR. I'm sorry, but I just have a problem with this. It's not fair. OF COURSE they were going to win! They had the home court advantage, DUH! Just like Louisville won it last year...the Conference Tournament was played in Louisville...DUH! I mean, whenever they decide where the Tournament will be played, they might as well go ahead an award a big fat trophy to the team that has the home court advantage and not waste everybody's time. Next year it's supposed to be in Memphis, but of course THAT year will be the exception to the rule, lol. I just think they need to have the Conference Tournament in a neutral location. Okay....I feel better now. Now I must breathe.

Jacob is rolling all over the place, and I cannot look away for even a second. One minute he's trying to rearrange the picture frames on the lower shelves of the wall unit thing, so I relocate Jacob to the middle of the floor, and within two seconds, he's over by the window, yanking on the curtain!!! He's got this rolling thing down pat. Actually, he's been rolling since November. So he needs to start crawling now?? I know, we all want our babies to advance and do new things, but then they do new things and us mothers are all like ::::SNIFFFFF:::: "My baby is growing up!!!!" And then we start getting baby fever again and have more babies and the cycle starts all over again.

Everyone seems to be going somewhere or doing something fun/relaxing for Spring Break. I don't know about you, but I think Spring Break should be a National holiday week where not only students get a break, but also people with regular jobs. Michael is on Spring Break this week, but it's not like it means all that much. He still has to work all day. But of course, then again, Moms NEVER get holidays, do they? We still have to cook and do laundry and change diapers. Okay, so maybe there should be a National Spring Break For Moms or something. All dads stay home with the kids, cook, clean, do laundry, etc., while the Moms all get to take off and do whatever she wants. Wouldn't THAT be wonderful??

I keep forgetting to explain my answer to the question I had in one of my previous posts:

Which of the following statements do you believe to be true?

A. "Nice guys finish last." This means that you are constantly doing nice things for people, but no matter what great lengths you go through for people, you'll always get the "short end of the stick" and get screwed over.

B. You reap what you sow. This means that if you do good things with a loving spirit to help people out, you will reap rewards later on and you, too, will be helped somewhere down the road. God remembers things that you do, good or bad, and rewards you accordingly.

Well, like pretty much everyone that participated answered, my answer is "B". At least now I know I haven't lost my marbles, lol. But in all seriousness, let me explain why I even asked this question to begin with. I was having a conversation with someone I've known for a very long time, and she's a bit older than me, but I have a hard time stating that she's wiser because of what I am about to type right now. She was telling me how her father has always had this saying that "Nice guys finish last," and went on to say that she has adopted this philosophy as well. I told her I didn't totally agree with that. I truly believe that God remembers when a person does something good/helpful/kind for someone, and later on if you find yourself in a really sticky spot, God will send someone your way to help you. (I also believe that if you are not kind-spirited towards someone in need, God remembers this also when/if you find yourself in need.) I even believe that God sees little tiny things. Like, if you are walking into the library, and someone is walking out of the library with a huge arm load of books, if you are selfless and hold the door open for that person, God remembers that, and the next month you might be at Walmart and knock over a big display in the store and someone nearby runs over to help you pick up everything you knocked over. But if you are selfish, and all you think about is the big hurry you're in, and you pretend to ignore the person with the arm load of books, God remembers that also, and then next time you're at the bank, someone cuts in front of you in line or something. That's just a small example. A bigger example would be like say you know of a family that is in need, like their house just burned to the ground and they lost everything they own except for the clothing on their backs, so you give that family all of the clothes you could find in your house that no one's going to wear anymore or maybe you give them some cash to buy food with. God remembers this, and later on you might be really sick and some friends/family might get together and cook you a meal to send to your home. I have always believed if you sew kindness, you will reap kindness. If you sew selfishness, you will reap selfishness. So ANYWAY, back to this conversation I was having, I told her my beliefs on this subject, and her words to me were, "You are still young and idealistic. You will learn as you get older." And this person is a so-called Christian in what she calls the "true" sense of the word. (That will be a later topic in itself.) What I really wanted to say to her was, "Have you ever read the Bible???" All she could tell me was that every time she's tried to do something nice for someone, it's always come back and slapped her in the face. Yes, I can think of a few situations when she did something nice for A person and that same person wasn't appreciative and treated her not-so-nice at times, but I DO know that there have been times she was in need of something and there have been family and friends to help her. But you know, if she has such a negative outlook on life, I wonder how she can even make it through one week of her life? I was just totally floored to hear this come out of her mouth. I might be young, but I trust in God, and it doesn't take an older, wiser person who has experienced more in life, to have that mindset.


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