Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Massive quantities of coffee required

For the longest, I would drink maybe a cup of coffee in the morning, but definitely not every morning, and maybe if I went out to eat or somethng, but ya know, I think I'm officially an addict now. I HAVE to have it every morning, and usually 2 cups, not 1. It's almost strange to think about because I probably know more people who HATE coffee than those who have a dependency on it. But you have to understand something...I used to be one of those people in the "I hate coffee" club. Of course, I can't STAND to even WATCH someone drink it straight up. I've got to have sugar and milk in it, that's for sure. Right now I'm on a French Vanilla kick for whatever reason.

So what else is going on in Candyland?

Well...for starters, we're going to the Memphis v. St. Louis game tomorrow.

What else?

Oh yeah, someone I've known since I was like 12-going-on-13 is getting married this summer and "doesn't know" if he "can" invite me to his wedding. Well, actually it started out with him coming up with excuses FOR ME as to why I probably couldn't come. But I'm almost certain, although this is not confirmed, that maybe a few of his other friends from school will be invited that he's known for a lesser number of years. I guess number of years doesn't mean anything anymore. I guess if I was that meaningful of a friend, he would have at least sent me a card or something when I got married and bothered to send him an invite to my wedding. I sent invitations to every single person that meant something to me over the course of my life. The place we got married seated only 100 people, so I invited 50, Michael invited 50. Of course now we both wish we had invited twice that many because it didn't even DAWN on us that some people wouldn't be able to come, so we had empty seats on BOTH sides, and other people were like ::SNIFF:: "Why didn't *I* get an invitation?" Of course, we're talking about Michael's entire church of like 500 people, and it was pretty obvious they couldn't be crammed into the place we got married, lol. But I left off of my guest list the Great-uncle in Arizona I've only seen one time since birth that probably doesn't know my middle name so that the day would be more special having everyone there that truly meant something to me. So I guess I answered my own question. Oh well. I have my theories as to why he might not want me there. Of course, he won't come out and say he doesn't want me there, but he won't say he DOES want me there either.

Which kind of leads me to my next topic. What is it with men these days? They try to get around the issue to avoid confrontation, ESPECIALLY when it comes to women, I've discovered. It's like, a man will fist fight another man, get up, and shake hands and limp away. But oh boy, a man pisses off a woman and he can expect for her to remind him of whatever he did for the rest of his life. It's like the difference between cats and dogs. Dogs are forgiving, loyal, faithful to the end. But dang, you just look at a cat the wrong way, and you are asking for an ankle thrashing every morning as long as that cat lives.

Oh yeah, and I had a wacky dream last night about my own wedding. A lot of the details are blurry, but it was the day before the wedding, and apparently I was having to choose between who I was going to marry...Michael or some guy I saw in a movie the other day. I can't even remember the actor's name! Isn't that nuts? So I was sitting there, in this dream, going over in my head the pros and cons of marrying/not marrying each one. And finally I went to my mom, threw my wedding dress on the ground and said, "Can't I just call this whole wedding thing off? I can't make up my mind and I don't want to make a huge mistake!" And when I woke up, I felt very uneasy and my stomach was churning. And then I realized "Oh yeah, I'm already married." WHEW! I also had a dream that I was working at Dillard's again. Once again, the details are nonexistent. All I can remember is I was carrying a small black purse, and I got in trouble for this because you are supposed to carry a clear purse at all times (for security purposes). That's a real requirement they have...not just one I dreamed up, lol. And then it was time to leave to go home and we had to wait for some customers to get out of there, and then I counted down my drawer, and started to walk out and the manager wouldn't let me leave until he went through my purse. What is freaking hilarious about this is that during the dream, I was thinking to myself "Just wait 'til I gripe about this on my blog." Am I a nutcase or what?? I'm dreaming about blogging!! I really do need to get out more.


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