Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Cat Fight

Hope everyone had a good Christmas! I sure did!! The biggest surprise I got was from Michael...he got me a sterling silver necklace...with the Memphis Tigers's awesome! I had seen someone at one of the tailgates a few months ago with one and commented on how I liked it, and Michael remembered and he got me one!

Now I just hate the thought of taking down and packing away all of my decorations until next year. I hit the after Christmas sales with my mom, she bought me some sweaters and some other stuff, and wouldn't even LET me spend any of my Christmas money! LOL! I also got some new Christmas decor for next year. I also found a silver tree (which I had been looking for) to create a Memphis Tiger tree. I have a few ornaments and other things for this tree that I've collected thus far, and I hope to collect some more things over the course of the next year. I plan to put this tree in my kitchen window, along with my regular big tree I keep in the living room window.

We went to the Memphis/Mizzou game today, and it was a royal blast!!! I got the tickets to the game for Christmas, and Memphis WINNING this game made it an even BETTER Christmas present! I have no voice left, my throat is sore, my feet hurt from walking so freakin' far, and my right arm feels like it is going to fall off from waving my pompom, but dang it, I had fun! And I also used some Christmas money to get an Antonio Burks jersey. YAY!

So what all did everyone else get from Santa Claus? I am flat worn out, so I'm gone for now!


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