Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Have you ever?

Have you ever written something about a certain event in your life, and even though you are pretty sure hardly no one would know what you were talking about, you were still afraid the meaning of what you wrote would be written all over your face, and the thing you wrote about is just too private and too real and too personal and too secret? I finished a poem just now that is just that. I generally have no problem sharing things I write, but there is just something about this poem I wrote just now. So now people are going to start getting curious and start asking questions. Save the questions. I will post it when/if I get ready to. Of course now you're probably thinking I WANT people to inquire about this mystery poem since I said anything about it in the first place. But actually, I just wanted to know if you've ever written something and were reluctant to share it because of its content. Oh well. I'm outta here.....


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